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Community Update February 2020

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Hours across all projects: 241.5

At Antelope Park we teach our students important life skills by allowing them to experience everything we have to offer and give them the confidence they need to believe in their abilities for a happy and fulfilling life, below is the summary of what we covered in the month of February.

Mkoba 4 Special Needs Class

Mkoba 4 Primary School Special Needs Class:

Our staff and volunteers provide classroom assistance which contributes by offering students more individual attention, freeing the teacher to deliver the national curriculum in a specialized manner appropriate for the needs of these children.

  • Maths: Topics covered: Number sequence; Tens & Units
  • English: lessons focused on learning the alphabet and learning new words

Julena Rural Primary School:

The stage two of the 3rd classroom block has been paid for, thanks to the donations from our volunteers.

Gweru Baptist Church

Gweru Baptist Church:

Our Basic Life Skills programme aims to give students experience in developing ‘soft skills’ that will support them in their home lives, future education and make them more employable and more responsible citizens.

Students were introduced to ideas of self-management; identifying the qualities that are good for managing themselves and recognising why self-managing may be useful.

Mickey Mouse Pre-School:

Games: colouring and face painting, a fun way for students to learn about colours and be creative. 

Colouring in has an important place in a child’s development as it provides an opportunity to practice and develop many skills such as concentration and coordination.

Conservation Education:

It is our objective to encourage children and local communities to engage with the natural environment in which they live and to assist them in understanding the advantages of living alongside and conserving local wildlife, habitat and ecosystems. 

Our students were taught about the dangers posed by humans to the environment, The different protected areas of Zimbabwe and their purpose in conserving wildlife.


  • Baby clinic: 191 babies attended to by measuring height, weight and filling in of growth charts
  • Maternity: 161 mothers assessed to ensure good health during pregnancies
  • Observations: 197 patients observed  by taking of temperature, blood pressure and weight before being attended to by specialized staff
  • Dispensary & OI: 40,557 pills counted and packaged

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